In the Rockies

In the Rockies
Butler Gulch

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Break Adventures

Sam, standing near the creek, watching the ducks swimming away
after he had climbed down to see them up close (after lunch).

SAM said the library is in back of him.

I see that I didn't complete my last post so it was early February and definitely winter weather when I last posted. Now, in late March, spring has arrived prematurely in Colorado. A dangerous wild fire is raging not far from Denver, making our skies hazy, and we expect another day in the mid to high 70s--about 20 degrees above average.

Yesterday grandson Sam, who turned 8 earlier this month, and I picnicked and walked the rustic side of the Boulder Creek path up from the library and came back through the park. Sam slid and crawled down embankments and along side the creek. He made friends with ducks and jumped from boulder to boulder (longer jumps had he not been wearing new sneakers which I insisted stay dry) and enjoyed himself thoroughly. Sam wanted you to know that we found flowers, paintings on the concrete wall by an overpass, ducks and all sorts of creatures like crows and other flying birds.

Sam is not an outdoor kid and tried hard to get me to say that our promised picnic could be in his back yard where he could eat quickly and go back inside. I was surprised and delighted when he decided that we would have an "adventure walk," noticing things and showing them to each other.

Oh yes--we did picnic. I had imagined my treat to be getting a burger and fries from the better fast food place. That was not what Sam had in mind. He requested that we go to Alfalfa's (a new version of the original organic, upscale market). He knew what he wanted: an expensive (and healthy he assured me) fruit drink, a California roll (freshly made), and a seaweed snack pack. He agreed to share the California roll, and I bought some almonds. The bill: $14.02. The boy has his mother's tastes!

We went to the library's art exhibit. All the paintings were made by school children from Boulder County. Sam found his friend's art work. It was a bee made of paper mache.

We ended our afternoon by visiting the children's book section and checking out a Harry Potter movie as well as books. By the time we arrived back at his home, I was willing and ready to sit on the sofa and watch Harry Potter! It was a lovely day!

Posted by Sam and his Nana

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