In the Rockies

In the Rockies
Butler Gulch

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

On the way—Nagoya Japan

We arrived Saturday at 4:30 with the two lovely dogs—Ippie and Chocolatine—belonging to my friends the Joys who moved here for his job and needed to come earlier than the dogs could come so that they could get furniture, move into their rental and get their 15-year-old daughter into school.

Immediately upon leaving the Delta desk a man with a chair came hurrying toward my friend. She got him to take her dog and then motioned for mine to be put onto the chair too. The man with her dog took her from the cart and carried her into the security area motioning another man to take mine. This kept happening. We got off the Flight in Detroit and my companion commandeered a young man with a chair waiting undoubtedly for another passenger. After he’d taken our dogs more than halfway from Gate 32 to Gate 54 where the doggie rest station was, he said we could take it ourselves. His boss couldn’t see him with a cart void of a person. We took charge of the cart!

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Upon arrival at the doggie rest station, Ippie jumped right out. Chocolatine moved to look out but sat in her carrier. Neither dog was interested in peeing or standing near the Green fake grass area you see behind me. Chico finally got out and both ran around. 

We lured them back into the carriers with their favorite Trader Joe’s roasted cashews. Back in their carriers and our cart, they sat facing each other while we ate sushi.

You can tell from the size of the carriers that they didn’t fit under the seats in font of us. We pushed and shoved and got the metal bar to bend enough to get them part-way in—father on the short hop to Detroit. On the long leg, I eventually moved across the aisle with the two little girls who’d extended their reign so my doggie could have her carriage out enough to have the extension open.Then they seemed happy to sleep to Nagoya!

Since arriving we’ve shopped more than I had in the last years. My companion is an artist who wanted fabric scraps and used kimonos.Yesterday we found both in old town area of little shops where we spent more hours—-.

This is the covered-shop area where we spent hours yesterday.We did find a good sushi lunch, went on another long train ride to get my rail pass validated and to a store for items our hostess’ daughter needed for her school retreat.

Today we toured the Nagoya castle and palace. The castle is closed for renovations but the palace was lovely. Much of it was destroyed by bombing in 1945 but has been faithfully restored.

The Nagoya castle and a room from the palace.